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Unveiling the Reporter


I am fearless. I am persistent and aggressive. I'm not afraid of a challenge. I'm here to do one thing and one thing only: tell the story.

It started with a pink canon camera. I was on a school bus headed to my local community college with my 8th grade class. I remember my teacher said this trip would give us a peek into our future. A look into my future was cool and all, but my mind was on the new camera I had received for my birthday. I couldn’t put it down. While toying with my new gem, I flipped the setting over to record. Before I knew it, I was reporting. I was in a live shot going on a ride along. I was telling “viewers” about where I was at and where these students were heading. I began interviewing them on the newest gossip of Kathleen dating a 6th grader and gathering opinions of whether or not Gagan would win the 8th grade presidential election. Even then I knew news consisted of stories on the education system, celebrity scandals, and politics.

Within twenty minutes, I didn’t need help looking into my future. I had already figured it out.

Ever since that day, reporting has been the vision for my life. It’s what brought me to work hard in college and graduate summa cum laude. It inspired me to join my speech and debate team to gain experience in researching and speaking to audiences. It led me to start writing for my college paper on breaking news. I had to set up interviews or grab MOS, take photos and videos, write, research, and find stories for our team. The desire to report sent me to intern at Results Radio in Yuba City, Action News Now in Chico, and KTXL Fox 40 in Sacramento. Through these, I was presented the opportunity to become a radio personality of my own show called “Kickin’ it with Kyla” and hired as an assignment editor at Fox 40.

Outside of work, I enjoy reading, writing, wake boarding, tennis, and the gym. I have a bunny, Lola. (Yes, Lola Bunny). I love to travel, and if I had it my way, I would never sit still. That's why I think reporting is also something I resonate with because a reporter is always on the go.

About Me: Bio
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